Before moving on to anything, you should know how to create a video marketing strategy. Once you have it, you can plan out everything and work according to that to get quick results.

A strategy is important because, with a plan, you can focus on moving toward your goal. When your teams know the plan, their progress directly impacts the goal.

Thus, before moving forward with any setup, recording, or editing, you should always start with creating a strategy. This will help you to take decisions as per your purpose and what actions your audience would like.


You should develop video marketing strategy because if you don’t have a clear purpose that your team also agrees on, you will be stuck in a whirlwind of shooting again, framing again, and editing again.

This wastes a lot of your time so it is important to start the process with a strategy.

The points we are going to discuss are:

  • Choose the Target Audience
  • Connect with the Stakeholders
  • Make a Budget and Set a Timeline
  • Look for the Best Platform
  • Develop Messaging
  • Select the Metrics

Let’s discuss these points in detail and see how you can create a useful strategy.

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy? Start by Choosing the Audience

The first and foremost step is to choose your audience and check out where they are spending their time. Any video’s popularity or any video content means that there should be a specific target audience.

If there are no strong buyers, start to convert customers to potential customers.

In case you already have potential clients, ensure that you are updating them every day with new videos.

Include them with the recent searches for videos and create videos that they would like.

Start Connecting With the Stakeholders As the Second Step to Develop Video Marketing Strategy

You will find plenty of players while creating a video. Now, you need to make sure that all of these are aligned.


You can create a questionnaire using multiple surveys or forms sites and share it with the stakeholders of the same project.

Note: Check out the different types of video marketing.

Doing this will allow you to ask questions from everyone and check their responses and keep them in a single place.

Remember, this is the stage where it is important for everyone to agree on a set of goals. Clear out if you are learning how to create a video marketing strategy to increase brand awareness. Or is it to sell more tickets? Or, if you want to audience to do something after watching the video. Or, if you are launching a new product.

The Next Point is to Create a Budget and Set a Timeline

You should create short videos. Videos are kind of a shorter, quicker, and less expensive way of a movie. There are fewer resources that a video needs for success, but it would still be pretty time-consuming.

However, you can save some time and do some cost-cutting by project management.

So, when you develop video marketing strategy, make sure you create a timeline for all the steps in the process. Also, keep a backup plan for occasional delays.

Even the production of a small video is reliable on the skills of plenty of different people. So, you may want to ensure that even if there are any unexpected challenges, you are ready for them and deliver the video timely.

So, you should be prepared for whatever may come and avoid any delays in the entire creation of the video.

Choose a Platform During the Process on How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy

This platform that you are going to choose is for distributing your videos. So, before jumping onto the creation of your video, make sure you know where you want to broadcast it.

YouTube SEO, nowadays, has become equally important as website SEO so make sure you understand what the people on that specific platform are searching for.

Consider the following:

  • Note the average view time
  • Check the limitations on size and sound
  • Find the communities
  • Set the budget
  • Don’t forget to promote

When you develop video marketing strategy, it is important to understand that even though video is used for advertising, it will not promote itself.

There are a few platforms that have built-in tools to promote video, but there are also some wherein you need to put in your own time and effort to get more views.

If you have a list of these platforms, you will be able to decide which one is the best for your video campaign.

Development of Messaging and Selecting the Correct Customer Base is Also Important

While learning how to create a video marketing strategy, also ensure that your videos have a message that you can communicate to your customers.

Make sure any video that you make has content which is speaking to the customers so that the right target audience comes your way.

Having a set budget, your skills, and the resources for video marketing, you can keep in mind the roadblocks that can come up.

The questions remain, is there a need for a design for creating lower-third graphics? Will you be creating a live-action video? Or is it going to be an animated video?

The Last Stage to Develop Video Marketing Strategy is to Decide on the Metrics

Before moving towards the production of your videos, you have to develop a goal and check the metrics that can help you keep track.

Keeping track of where you have reached or if you are getting closer to your goals is very important.

There are plenty of platforms on which you can default the metrics. But it could be hard to figure out if the video strategy you made is performing over time.

Go for multiple key performance indicators that can correspond with the goals you set.

There You Have It!

It is necessary to know how to create a video marketing strategy before moving on with applying video marketing itself. It happens a lot of times that companies quickly jump at creating their first video. This does not help them completely to gain the awareness that they should.

Hence, it is a suggestion to all marketers that you should build a strategy first and then move according to the plan. With that, your product or service will gain more attention and your business sales will boost.

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